So, take for instance, a bank loans you a dollar. You have a certain pay back plan to pay back that dollar even though you can’t really afford it. The bank, however, got that dollar from somewhere else who has many more dollars and investors who support that bank. So now, you go along your merry way and think about the great things you can do with the dollar and you try not to overspend because you must save it for emergencies and what not. But, the bank did let you borrow the dollar in the first place because they trust your financial decisions. The bank will always be there, so you say, what the heck! I’ll spend all of it and just enjoy it. But suddenly, you made poor financial decisions and can no longer pay back the bank. What will you do? Well……..You won’t pay back the bank! So now, the bank is left with your debt to pay back to their investors. And, if the bank can’t pay back their investors, they find another bank to help them out. It’s an endless chain all connected to that one dollar bill with increasing fees of all kinds getting into even more debt. If all businesses can’t be financially supported with the help of these banks, then they go bankrupt leaving people without a job. There are other factors that contribute to the economy being bad. I don’t understand them all. But what I just explained is a big one. Just ask Washington Mutual.
The other day I read an article about a man robbing a convenient store. The man busted into the early hours of the store, pointed a gun at the cashier, his hand shaking as he demanded cash, and thanked the cashier before he left. When the cop interviewed the cashier, the cashier said that he wasn’t afraid of the robber. He said that when the robber was holding up the gun, the robber’s hand was shaky and he started to cry. The robber then apologized to the cashier and asked him to forgive him for what he was doing. The cashier knew the robber was not going to hurt him. In fact, he knew that if he didn’t give the robber the money, the robber probably still wouldn't hurt him. But the cashier felt sorry for him and gave all of the money he had. The cop categorized the robber as a non-career criminal. He figured that he must be someone who was greatly effected by the economy and saw this as an only option to get money.
In another related article, a man lost his job as well and was looking for another as fast as possible. When he wasn’t having any luck, he decided to look for a job in an unconventional way. In his downtown district, he wore a sandwich sign asking for a job with his resume posted on the back. In some time, he was spotted by a coveted executive and offered him a six figure salary job.
There are different ways that one can manage the stress and heart ache of this recession. Even though I would have felt sorry for the robber and gave him the money just like the cashier did, it doesn’t mean it was right. I did feel sorry for him, but he still committed a crime. Is this how far our economic status have pushed us? I’ve been there! I’ve had those “oh my god, I don’t have any money! What am I g