Why is it that in our deepest and darkest moments we call out His name and ask for His help? Yet, we ignore Him when things are going great and hardly thank Him. Why is it that when we are surprised, or hear such stunning news we shout out His name? With the overly expressed expression “oh my God,” is He really responding to it and twisting His neck back and forth, up and down, left to right, right to left looking for whoever is calling His name? I’ve always wondered that…. And, why do we damn him when we are pissed off?
Well, I might be getting a little too far ahead of myself here, so let me begin by saying that this blog is not intended to ask you to believe in God. God is a very controversial topic because not everyone believes in Him. I believe in Him on the sole blessings in my life and the miracles that happen in this world. If you don’t believe in Him, it’s your decision and this blog is not intended to convince you so. All I really would like to say is my opinion on my God and my faith.
So, let me lay down the basics as to why I believe in God. For one: my mother. I feel truly blessed by the hand of God that she is in my life. The same goes for my family and friends. Two: those miracles where people survive death defying accidents such as a child surviving after falling 15 stories and not breaking a bone. Do ya really think that God had nothing to do with that? Come on people! And three: the power of all that is good and holy out there. For instance, when one single person is left alone in this world and has no one to turn to, I have faith that the person will turn to God. When anyone is alone and need someone, God will always be there for you to pray upon him. If there is a person who does not believe in God and are put in a situation where their life is threatened, what are the first words that come out of their mouth? Did you guess it? That’s right! “Oh God, please help me!” Those little five words, instantly give you comfort and connection to someone to turn to in your time of need.
Let me clarify a few things. God and religion are two different things. I believe in God but I don’t fully believe in my religion. Although I may say that I am a Catholic, I am not a participating Catholic and I’ll tell you why in a few moments. I also don’t believe in the bible. I’ll explain that a little later as well. Sometimes I think of organized religion as a popularity contest. How can I not think of it that way when there are people going door to door asking to join their religion? The purpose of an organized religion should only be for the common interests of our belief system and we should NEVER shun others for believing differently.
I say that I’m not a participating Catholic because 1 – I don’t go to church as often as I should, 2 – Anyone should be able to take the “bread of Jesus Christ” and not just those who confessed their sins the Saturday before, and 3 – I don’t believe in the bible for the reasons of Armageddon and homosexuality. I don’t believe that we will ever have an Armageddon, other than the fact that human beings are slowly destroying this earth with pollution, and I believe that homosexuality is NOT a sin. Now, I could get a little deeper in the last two but that would completely take off subject so I’ll save them for future blogs.
The reasons why I call myself a Catholic is because I believe in its traditions and faiths. And because I grew up going to church every weekend until my mom couldn’t drag me anymore when I got older. I’m just not a full Catholic. I would probably consider myself a 50% Catholic. The other 50% of me is arguing with it. I also wanted to point out that just because you don’t believe in God, doesn’t mean that bad things happen to you. God does not punish nor does he give diseases. I had a recent conversation with a young lady (you know who you are) that asked me this question: “So those hostages that were shot dead in the New York Immigration center died because they didn’t believe in God?” I was quick to observe that she asked me this question when I said that I believe in God because of the good in this world. I answered by telling her the same thing I typed a few lines before. God does not punish nor does he give disease because you don’t believe in him. Ok, yes it’s true that when bad things happen, you question your belief in Him as I did when two family members died. I even blamed God for that. But at the end of the day, you realize that this is just life. God cannot control what happens in this world but he can provide the sanity to keep you sane by praying to Him. He can give you a clear and conscious mind and help you move on with your life.
Ask yourself if you believe in God. Whatever the answer is, it’s ok. Regardless, He will be there when you need Him.