Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This Is For My Brother Edgar :o)

A lot of my friends and family know that I often write from experience and perspectives in life. Many of the things that inspire me to write are loved ones and other things I may be passionate about. Every now and then, I’ll dabble in a funny story about my mom, other family members, or my friends. But for now, I really want to write about someone I am very proud of and love very much…….my brother Edgar.

He may or may not like the idea that I’m writing about him, but I’m hoping he gives me a chance to say what I want to say. Because honestly, he deserves more credit than what is written on this page.

Edgar and I grew up very close to age. He’s only a year and one month older than me so the fact that we were really close as kids was pretty much a given. When we were growing up in new campo we would always be competitive about almost anything. From running to mom and dad’s station wagon and see who gets there first on our way to the store, to competing who would get dressed for school the quickest in the mornings. One of my most memorable memories when we were kids was the fact that people kept mistaking us for twins. Everywhere we went, people always thought we were twins. Even his baseball coaches would tell me “Hey, when Edgar gets sick and can’t play, cover your hair with his cap and take his place!”

Looking so much like him kind of made me a bit of his shadow, especially in school, but it never made me feel disappointed or embarrassed. When I started jr. high, I remember his former teachers would say “Oh! You’re Edgar’s sister? Wow, you look so much alike.” Or, my favorite one that would always come up (note the sarcasm here), “Everyone, this is a great example of what I want all of you to do with your work (holds up papers). Jessenia this is your brother’s report from last year. See the detail and fine work? Just like this.” I doubt Mrs. Kellogg, mutual Biology and Anatomy & Physiology teacher, ever praised my work and said the same. I wish I was as smart as Edgar. I don’t know if this is true because I’ve never asked him, but it always looked like everything came so easy to him. I had endless hours of sitting on the living room floor working on homework, while he took an hour or two at the dining table and ends up graduating #9 out of his entire high school class. I was #83, which says a lot. I had to fight for that #83 spot!!

Friends come really easy to him. Like today, he’s very social and easy to get along with. He may have a lot of friends, but he’s got this certain group of friends that have always been there for him. I know that when our dad died our brother Chava was there to help us and mom get through it. But when we lost Chava, I feel as though his friends gave him a comfort that nobody else could. And for that I am very grateful. If I miss someone, I apologize – Raymond, Pete, Lodi (Jose), Monster (Richard), and everyone else that was there and still is – Thank you. I know our mom has always seen that he is surrounded by great friends. You guys have been a part of his life for so long that one drunken Christmas Eve night a few years ago, Pete told me “Man, you guys are the best. You guys are like my second family. I love all of you.” Sorry Pete! I had to include this!!

Around the time when Edgar was going to be leaving for college, I remember how excited I was to finally not fight over the bathroom in the mornings. I had usually used mom’s bathroom but really wanted the hall one because it was bigger. I know it sounds totally mean, but I was just looking forward to having that bathroom to myself from that day on!! Not once did I think about how much I was going to miss him. Yes, we did have brother-sister fights, many that I regret and didn’t mean, but I didn’t think about how I was going to feel once he left. I guess my emotional reaction to him graduating high school said it all. I couldn’t find him on the field where the ceremony was taking place because it was packed full of people with their loved ones. But once I spotted him, I ran to him, buried my face in his chest and cried my eyes out. I was just so damn proud.

The day came to help him move into his own apartment and a lot of us went. He was going to be attending Cal Poly Pomona so a lot of us went to help him get set up. If I remember correctly, my mom went, three of my sisters, and Chava too. Lupe helped set up his kitchen while some of us complained about how small it was. When it was time to leave, I remember getting this somber feeling over me and came to the sudden realization that we were no longer going to live together. I gave him a big hug, got into my sisters car, and fought back tears as we drove away. I never told him this because God forbid I tell my brother that I love him (again – sarcasm). The house no longer felt complete after that. There was always something missing. His spirit was away at school and I missed him terribly. One night, my mom was lying on her bed watching TV in her room when I walked in, hugged her, and told her that I missed Edgar so much. All she could do is hug me back and say “Yo tambien, mija” (me too). And he still doesn’t know this, so this is the first time he’s finding out about everything through this blog.

When his college graduation came, it was another moment of fighting back tears because I didn’t want anyone to see that I was such a chillona (cry baby). I kept my sunglasses on and got as close as I could possibly get for his pictures. Many people don’t know this, but Edgar has a tremendous heart. Especially for our mother. I wish I could help mom out the way he does. But I’m not there yet and when I am, I’ll only try my hardest to measure up to him as much as I can. He may not be very vocal about the love he has for everyone in his life, but his actions speak louder than anything. I remember a conversation we once had when he told me “I just want to take care of mom and you guys.” I’ve never forgotten those words. I probably never will. With his birthday coming up, a baby on the way, and a beautiful future with Jeannette, I couldn’t be more proud and excited to have him as my brother. I know! Cheesy right! But oh so very true. I love you brother.

Your sister,
Chena :o)
(Jessenia Lua)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I know it’s been a while since my last blog and I apologize to my loyal readers for the inconsistency. Many factors contribute to the little attention I’ve paid it in the last couple months. I’ve got plenty of ideas to write about, however, school, work, and friends make it a little difficult to write sometimes. It seems that lately, however, I can’t stop thinking about the words “judge” “to judge” “we judge” “I judge.”

I consider myself to have an open mind and accept things as they come. But at the same time, I know what ignorance is and along with that comes disrespect and demeaning someone for their own different beliefs. I always try not to judge anyone for the sake of not wanting anyone to judge me. But let’s face it, judging someone is almost like an instinct inside you. If you see something out of the norm, you are going to automatically judge the situation because you’re not used to it. Acting on that judgment is what disrespects and demeans what’s different from you. When someone acts negatively on a judgment, that person is automatically categorizing themselves better (or on a social class - higher class) than the person they are judging. True, people can have their opinions but, give them only when asked upon. There’s no point in maliciously telling something what you think if it’s going to hurt them.

I feel as though I’ve been around a lot and have experienced enough things in my life to not be judgmental towards anyone or anything. Yes, I did judge on first time experiences but it’s learning to accept things as they are that stops someone from falsely judging someone else. The thing that surprises me, however, is how judgmental a person can be going through life as similar as mine. One person can view and experience life just like me but still judge someone and or look down upon them because they are different people and have different beliefs. I have a few friends in my life who are quite judgmental and have spoken down upon the things that I wouldn’t normally care for. I won’t say who for the sake of their privacy, but it’s no one’s place and position to judge anyone else. When I hear these friends of mine complain and say hurtful things about how this or that person live their life, I leave it alone and am there to solely listen. I accept the fact that they are judgmental people. Nobody can change anyone unless they change for themselves.

I do want to mention one person who is so open-hearted that I hope I am as open-hearted as she is. I have a dear friend who I’ve known for so long (and again I won’t say who even though I wish I could) that is so sweet and caring towards everyone in her life. She’s been with me on a few occasions where I guess you could say things out of her norm have occurred and she not once judged whatsoever. It’s like her spirit has this kind of openness in her heart to accept people for who they are even if they are the complete opposite of her. I also find this kind of openness in a young family member of mine (won’t say who) and I’m glad that she is growing up to be so accepting of life around her because like I’ve said before “we are no one to judge.”

I think we sometimes spend too much time worrying about what people say, how people live, what people believe in, that it loses the focus on the most importing thing……yourself. To me, there is one religion and that’s God. Even if you don't believe in Him and have your own views of a spiritual life. If you practice this religion or that religion, that’s great for you. Just don’t talk down to someone for practicing something different. To me, there is one love and that’s without worrying what race people are. Love has no borders. Love is color blind. To me, I am as equal to you whether you are rich or poor. To me, a world sans judgment……………well that’s impossible. But it doesn’t hurt to dream. My name is Jessenia Lua, and I have judged in the past. Have you?

A Little Poetry :o)

Here are a few poems I wrote not too long ago. I wanted to play around with words and see what I can come up with. The last two pieces are a little deeper as far as emotion goes. I don't normally write peoms like this but just wanted to give it a try. And the peom titled "Yearn" is actually a sonnet that took me a week and a half to complete. It's written in Shakespear form with a little modern twist. It is my favorite thus far!! And I hope I get to write many more like these!! Enjoy!!


Thou’s yearning heart beats for thee
While misty eyes collect in me
Thy one true love from afar
Come to me from where you are
Thou dreams of thee in solitude
I hand you all my gratitude
Thy weeping soul cannot bear
So I sing my words into the air
As night skies collect my prayers
I hold thee’s love with all thy cares
Til dawn I weep for thy true love
Let Gods hear thy yearn above
Render all thy soul and being
Your love will be thy cursed life freeing

By: Jessenia Lua

"Sweet Divine"

Such sweet divine
Beautiful eyes
I seek the truth
Behind your lies
Deceit and sorrow
Begin to follow
My wondering thoughts
So deep and hollow
I praise the Gods
Heal my pain
But with these odds
I fear the rain
Tears fall down
I may just drown
Take my heart
This vicious hound
Do I just fight?
Do I give in?
Please forgive
My evil sins

Such sweet divine
Wonderful cries
So filled with lies
A part of me dies
You beg and plead
Pity you need
You fail to see
I hold this creed
Despite this hurt
I stay alert
Yet you deny
The love inside
You hear me cry
My sweet divine
Look inside
My sweet divine
Forever mine
Sweet divine
You, YOU and I!
Sweet divine
Sweet divine

By: Jessenia Lua

"I Manipulate"

I manipulate me
I encourage me
I disappoint me

I manipulate me
I motivate me
I despise me

I manipulate me
I cry for me
I loathe me

I manipulate me
I smile at me
I am ok with me

I manipulate me
I try for me
I fail for me

I manipulate me
I focus me
I stop me

I manipulate me
You see me smile
I see me frown

I manipulate me
You proud of me
I embellish me

I manipulate you
I manipulate me
I’m not always what you think you see

I am sorry

For I.....

I manipulate me

By: Jessenia Lua