Monday, July 13, 2009

It's your destiny.....Isn't it???

Whenever I think of the word destiny, I think of a life fully planned out. I think of destiny as the “one thing” that one individual is supposed to be doing in their life. I think of destiny as the purpose in someone’s life and fulfilling that purpose with the best of your ability. But does having a destiny erase the chance to do anything else in one person’s life? And, if everyone has a destiny and they find it, are they supposed to stick to that one thing only? Can we alter our lives based on what we learn or stick to our “destiny” because it’s what we are “supposed” to do? I believe in plans but I’m not so sure if I fully believe in a destiny. Some parts of me believe in having a destiny or fate, but parts of me doesn’t. One very strong reason why I “sort of” believe in destiny is that of a friend of mine named Andrea.

Although my memory of when I first met Andrea is questionable because I say I met her in 8th grade and she says we met in 7th, there’s no doubt in my mind that her and I were meant to be friends. Here are the reasons: 1) When we first became friends, we realized we only lived a short walk away from each other’s homes. 2) In high school we were given random ID numbers. Mine was 2293 and hers was 2294. Coincidence? I think not! 3) When seniors in high school are supposed to give their final senior project presentation, they are randomly selected in groups of four out of the entire 350 student class. Andrea and I were randomly picked to present at the same time. How funny is that? 4) It turns out that she has family in the same city (Central California) where I was born! And 5) In high school both Andrea and I developed crushes on two older guys that we absolutely fell in love with. Andrea’s crush was named Jesse and mine was Andy. How funny is it that my crush’s name was her nick name and her crush’s name was what people called me? Now, if that’s not destiny for her and I to be friends, I don’t know what is. To this day, I feel our friendship remains strong and although we have had our ups and downs, living together, living apart, fighting, getting along, I know that I am supposed to be her friend and she is supposed to be mine for the rest of our lives. I can’t imagine what my life would be without her. She has been such a great friend to me for so long that my family calls her “the adopted one.”

Now let me get back to the subject of destiny. I know I’m destined to have Andrea in my life as these little significant examples prove it, but if I’m destined to be a writer, does that mean that I can’t be destined to do something else? Also, when it comes to death, is one really destined to die at a certain time in their life? I don’t think so!!!

Syliva Brown has always said that before anyone is born, that person plans out their life, their plans, and their death. Now, I love Sylvia Brown and am fascinated by the predictions she has made in the past and the unsolved mysteries she helped solve. However, I have to completely disagree with planning out your own life before you are born. I disagree because I don’t think my brother planned to die at 35 and leave his wife and little girl behind. I think we are given this life to do what we can with it and as far as death goes, I don’t think anyone knows when they’re going to die. I believe that we are destined to be with the people we love but I don’t think that there is a single destiny each person has to fulfill. If that were true, then there would be no grounds to explore new things in life.

It’s like when people say that Elvis was destined to be a rock star. But how do we know he wasn’t destined to be something else as well? He probably knew he was destined to be a father and a husband but we only saw him as that beautiful rock star. But was he destined to die young? Who in the world would want to be destined to die young? Not me! This is why I say that each of us has more than one destiny. Life would be robbing us of wonderful experiences if that were true. We should keep a wondrous mind and should always be curious to what great things we can do. Never limit ourselves and each other. Never think you only have one destiny. Never say destined….

Now ask yourself, what is your destiny?
Or should I say….destinies?

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