Friday, October 23, 2009

Ode To The Offspring of My Siblings

Ok, I swear this’ll be the last corny thing I write about. I have plenty of interesting topics to write about, but nothing inspires me more than my own family. So, stay tuned…….

One of the greatest things about coming from a large family is that there are that many more people in your life to love. The great thing about being one of the youngest in my family is that I get to see my oldest siblings have children. Aaaaah yes! The joys of children! Not that I don’t enjoy children, but I don’t imagine myself ever having any. Of course, that statement alone isn’t set in stone, so that could change in my future. However, for now, I take pride and love from the ones my siblings have, or hopefully will have in their future. Together I have eight nieces and nephews. Some close to my age, and one just under two years old. I hold a very distinct relationship with each and every one of them and no matter how long it has been since I’ve last seen or spoken to them, the love I have for them is as fresh as a ripe orange.

Starting with Josh, who can make you laugh at the drop of a dime, even though he and I have had our differences before, his quick sarcastic puns will keep you laughing after a couple hours the joke was told. Josh and I are the same age, actually he’s a month older, and I was always jealous of how much smarter he is than me in everything. We once took a history class together in Jr. College and I would always study very hard for that class, but he wouldn’t. I would get so angry at how he could easily answer all of the professor’s questions without looking for the answers. I would be flipping through my notes while he just blurted out the answers. “Jackass!” I would think to myself. Yeah I know it was mean of me to think that, but I was jealous of the fact that he knew all the answers even though he didn’t even study! But that was kind of expected from Josh. He has always been so smart without even trying. Kind of like my brother Edgar. I remember after school when Edgar and I would do our homework together. He would be sitting at the dining table for one hour, while I was there for almost five hours trying to finish. And guess who brought home the 4.0 gpa? Not me! I was lucky if I got by with a 3.0. I remember the difference in our high school graduating class. He was a proud number nine out of his entire class. While I was a lousy 83 in mine. Yup! That’s quite a difference! To this day, I still wish I was more like him.

Anyway, following Josh is his sister Johanna, who always seems to get caught in everything she tries to hide (sorry Jo, but this is true and everyone knows it). Her obvious subtle ways to be discrete are always disrupted by not being able to hide the proper way. It’s kind of like a square trying to hide in a circle so to speak. That’s why she would always get into trouble, because her corners would always be popping out from the circle! And you know this is true Jo!! But whether people know this or not, Jo has a true devotion to her family that took a while to come out. It might have taken a while to come out and be able to recognize it, but you know what……..I think it was worth the wait. I see that devotion in her now more than anything and I think the mistakes she has made in her past shaped her for that, which is actually the case in many of us. Another thing I admire about her is her talent in poetry. I know she doesn’t show much of it at all, but what I have been lucky enough to read goes far beyond what I could imagine writing myself. She has a true talent.

And following Johanna is her younger brother Giovanni. Giovanni! Giovanni! Giovanni! You, who I remember trying to put to sleep when you were a baby so you would stop crying. You, who hung from my hair like swing mad at me for not letting you go to the store with me. You, who almost overnight I realized that you are becoming (or actually already are) a young man. Just like Johanna, you too have a devotion to your family. I see the kind of relationship you have with your dad and I incredibly admire that. If only I could be so lucky. I see wonderful things in your future and I hope you don’t let anything stop you.

And now I come to Marybel, or for those of us in our family, Mari. My sister Mary’s only daughter. Oh man, there isn’t enough time to write about my partner in crime. All the trouble we got into, all the joys we’ve been through and hoping for much more to come. I know our relationship goes from strong to weak, weak to strong, like a teeter totter, but in the end we always balance out because we mean that much to each other. Just like last Thursday when I went over to your apartment and we hugged each other because we hadn’t seen each other in a while even though we live like ten mils apart. I know our lives can take us in different directions but hugs like the one we had last Thursday always connects me back to you. I know I’ll always have you and you’ll always have me.

Now it’s time for Estefania, or for those of us in our family, Miniquis. I wish we could see more of you but I understand the conflictions that come between our families. But everytime I see you, it’s a little reminder of your dad Chava (late brother). I always remember the time when I went to your dad’s house and he was holding you asking you to repeat something he taught you to say. He taught you to say “tres cinco cinco” and when you would repeat it, it would come out “tes ico ico” and he would bust out laughing!! You sounded so cute trying to say those three words. I think that with your dad’s death you matured faster than you needed to, which isn’t always a bad thing, but it would have been nice for your dad to see that. It would have been nice for your dad to see what a wonderful little girl you are, and the wonderful lady you will become.

Next up on my list (don’t worry, I’m almost done) are my sister Lupe’s kids Gessell, Brandon, and Savina. Let me start with Savina! Ay Savina! Savina! I don’t think there’s a more perfect name for you. You came into a perfect time in our lives a year and a half ago. Born on our late dad’s birthday, you literally brought everyone to tears on that day. I still can’t believe that the doctor let that many Mexicans in that hospital room! Do you guys remember? Everybody was in there! Even Carlos!! I know I missed your birth by like six seconds (and trust me, I was upset. I was cussing at the old lad in the elevator for moving too slow and my mom was yelling at me “calmate!!”) But, I think the right person was in that delivery room with you. I think it was better her than me. Not that I didn’t want to be there, because I did!

Now……Brandon! Oh Brandon! I see that you have your mother’s heart and your dad’s spirit. You take care of Gessell as if you were her big brother, when in fact, she’s a few years older than you. I always remember you’re reaction when I would ask you “Brandon, what would you do if Gessell had a boyfriend?” and you would angrily respond “I would beat him up!” while punching your fist into your hand making sure you show Gessell that you are her protector. You may be a younger brother, but your older brother characteristics show more devotion to your sister. And I’m sure you’ll be just an awesome older brother to Savina.

Lastly, but definitely not least, there is Gessell. You are growing up so fast before my eyes that I have to remind myself not to talk to you like a little girl anymore. I keep having to remind myself that you are a young woman now and I am damn proud that you asked me to be your nina (godmother for communion and confirmation). I’m sure everyone knows this, but you and I have a strange connection that is almost unexplainable. From the moment you were born, to the last time I saw you, we bond in a way that is stronger than friends but more than family. I know right! It doesn’t make sense! But maybe that’s the good thing about it. Great things don’t always have to be explained. That’s why they’re great and unique! There is so much about you that I admire. Your creativity, your generosity, your honesty, and most of all, your heart. I see so much of your mom in you and just like many of us, you hold your family deeply close to your heart. I remember your dad telling me this and I hope he doesn’t get upset with me for writing this, but I remember he said “Man, I feel like Gessell is so good right now that she is setting the standard too high for anything else she does. I feel like I will be very disappointed the day she falls in love because I can’t choose that person for her. I can’t be the one to say ‘choose this guy, he’s the best one.’” (quote is not word for word, just based on what I remember from that conversation.) That showed me how proud your dad is of you. We are all so very proud of you and I am for sure excited what your future brings. You are such a bright and intelligent young lady and I trust that whatever direction you choose to take your life in, it will be at your greatest attempt. You see people for who they truly are and give chances to those who deserve them. I always remember telling you “Be nice to someone because you want to be. Don’t be mean because everyone else is.” And based on the conversations we have had, I trust that you truly have a kind heart.

Well, this is the last of them. I don’t know what made me decide to write about my nieces and nephews. Maybe it’s because I wanted to recognize a piece of my extended family for a bit. Either way, thank you for reading and I hope you leave nice comments :)

Jessenia Lua
Your Tia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one made me cry. Everything you write touches my heart and I can't help but tear up! I love you and I miss you!
-welly- I love you!