My friend’s heartbreak over the whole situation got me thinking about who she was “destined” to be with. If she is 100% sure that he is “the one” she is supposed to be with for the rest of her life, should she fight to get him back, or accept fate by letting him go and have a happy marriage?

I struggle with the idea of fate (or destiny - as others call it) because to me I feel that fate is a premeditated notion that life is planned out. If we as human beings are given the gift of life and are free to decide what or how we choose to live it, then doesn’t fate stop that? If you believe in a fate, does that mean you lose freedom of how different you can live your life because you are following and living what you believe is your destiny? Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of fate because I think there are certain aspects of life that feel so right it was destined to happen. However, how does one know there isn’t more out there than what you think you already have and need? Is there a balance between free will and following your fate?
I guess 90% of me doesn’t believe in fate because I refuse to think there are people in the world that are meant to be murderers or terrorists. I have a strong feeling that fate is a balancing spiritual power between free will and the people you meet in life. I don’t think you are destined to do just one thing because you happen to be good at it. When people say “I was meant to do this. This is my fate” I feel they say it because they have found their calling in life which is a part of living our free will and figuring out what we are good at. It doesn’t mean that you can’

So for those of you who are strong fate believers, as my broken-hearted friend is, do you fight for what you think you are “destined” to have, or do you let your life continue on knowing it wasn’t “meant to be?”
Wow. Just amazing. This is definitely one of your most powerful articles. I almost cried. It really changed my perspective that I have on fate and destiny. Can't wait for the next one!
I feel bad for your friend but she needs to let go and move on. Something better is out there for her.
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