But when being with someone, here is the number one thing I do look for: Courtesy. Courtesy has always been the number one thing I wish everyone had when dating someone. I wish I could pick guys brains and find out how they could so easily ignore/forget/mistreat the women they’re dating. It’s happened to me and my friends. It happens all the time. Do they think that avoiding us is going to make the problem go away? It’s only going to make it worst!!!! I’m not saying that every guy out there is like that; however, it is the common thing among jerks like them.
And even though I’ve cut ties with the guy in my previous post, I somehow feel like it’s not enough. I know it sounds crazy and stupid even, but I feel like I’m seeking some sort of validation that he’s sorry for everything. I find it hard not to think of him everyday still, but then again it’s only been about three weeks. And I am much better today than I was the first night so I know I’ll eventually stop thinking of him completely. I just wish it was here sooner.
A big part of me wishes none of it ever happened because he didn’t have the one thing I looked for in someone, which of course is courtesy. He never had any courtesy for me and I can’t believe how much I even cared about him after noticing it at the very beginning. Courtesy for someone could save a lot of tears and a lot of heartache. Why would you want to be the source of that causing it for someone else? But because of the person I know he is, I don’t want to fully regret him. Instead, I wish I could just know him. But after what we went through, he’ll always be associated with how he broke my heart and made me cry all the time. If he had just been honest with me and had the courtesy to tell me everything from the very beginning, then it wouldn’t have to come to the end that it did.
But I march on. I march on to the beat of my own piano notes. You thought I was going to say drum, right?!! Haha!! If you really knew me, you would know I’d change that cliché line about that stupid drum haha!! Thanks for reading :o)
Jessenia :o)
Hi Jessenia found you on FB at Latina Bloggers Connect. There are definitely people out there with no courtesy, it may be that they haven't learned it yet and if you are not looking for a teaching gig than you shouldn't have to play professor. Don't settle for anything less than you deserve.
*then you shouldn't <- fast typing causes than and then misuse lol
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