I wrote the following poem titled “Paw Prints in the Sand…” for my boss’ dog who I had the privilege to dog-sit often. I’ve always wanted a big dog (not to say that I don’t love my small Bitsey – because I love her very much even though my mom kept her when I left for college) but have been too afraid to take on the financial responsibility of having one. So, my boss let me

take on the role of step-mom to Cooper for the past four years and together, Cooper and I had many adventures. One of his favorite things to do was go to dog beach in Solona Beach where we often visited and played around in the water and sand. Unfortunately, Cooper was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma cancer in the spring of this year. He put up a fight but couldn’t fight any more and passed away on November 27. Since today was my boss’ birthday, I decided to write a little poem reflecting Cooper and surround it by a collage of photos of him as a gift. A few photos of Cooper are posted below as well as the poem I wrote. Note: Scully was Cooper’s sister. She passed away four years ago at the age of 8 and was also golden retriever.

Paw Prints in the Sand...
Dear Mom and Dad
I’m sorry I couldn’t stay forever
I really wish I could
I’m having so much fun here
And I promise I’ve been good!
There’s so much to do here
Everything is big and grand
Oh and I even get to
Leave my paw prints in the sand!
Guess who I saw the other day!
I saw Scully running around
She immediately recognized me
Now we’re always adventure bound!
There’s no such thing as “dog beach”
Just a beach for all who love this land
So Scully and I are running around
Leaving our paw prints in the sand!
I know you must really miss me
And trust me, I miss you more
You were the best parents a dog could have
And who loved me to the core
I think of you every single day
Even when I’m out on the strand
Remembering our fun times together
Of leaving paw prints in the sand
By: Jessenia Lua

1 comment:
Aren't dogs the best! I have a small dog but grew up with big dogs. They are all so fun and amazing!
Found your blog via: The Blogging Mastermind Comment Tribe
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