Ok so being 26 and single has it's ups and downs. For quite a while now I've been saying that I don't want to get married or have kids and that usually comes to a surprise with people who know me because I come from a pretty big family of married siblings with lots of kids. But just because I say that I don't want to get married or have kids, doesn't mean that I won't ever. I just feel like it's going to take the right man and the right moment in my life in order for that to happen. But for now, I don't see myself getting married and/or having kids. Anyway, dating can be challenging when one has certain expectations and although I like to think I have pretty decent standards, it all doesn't quite seem to come together. Yes, it can be frustrating but it can also be fu

n. So, I've taken a different approach to dating these days and just thought "let it be." I've never really looked for Mr. Right cause I'm not in a hurry to find him, however, that nagging question "is he, or isn't he?" always plays in my head like a broken record with anyone I've ever dated. So, since my new approach of "let it be" has come into play, I've decided to delete the phrase "is he, or isn't he" out of my mind permanently. From now on, dating will be a "let it be" type of thing. But!!! I do believe that someday I will end up with someone special and even though I don't know when that will happen, I know he is out there. So, I've decided to write him a love letter. It may be corny and sappy, but it comes from my heart. Enjoy...
Dear You,
Where the hell have you been? I have been waiting for you for so long. If you are reading this now, it means that you are there. You are in the position where many faceless men have been for so many years. You are in the fantasies and creative romantic imaginations that took me on journeys that Danielle Steel couldn’t even write about. You are who I day and night dream about. You are who I think about every single moment of my life. You are who makes me smile when you call my name or gently kiss my lips as we part our ways for the day. You are who gives me butterflies knowing you will be home when I arrive and ready to put your arms around me. Years will have past by the time you read this letter. But I wrote this letter because I knew one day you would arrive. No, I didn’t know when nor did I know who it would be, but dammit I knew that one day you would come. This is my love letter to you. And when you read it, I hope that we would have experienced many romantic and fun memories together. I hope to love you like I’ve never loved anybody else in this world. I hope to have these indescribable feelings come out of me that I didn’t even know I had. I hope to only share this letter with you and no other man. I prayed for you before I even knew you existed. I would hope you would pray for me before you even k

new I existed. And when we finally meet, you realize that I am who you have been praying and looking for all along. At night when I would lay my head on my pillow and ask God to guide you to me, I’m hoping you were asking Him to guide me to you. And when we finally cross each other’s paths, I look over my shoulder, you look over yours, and we just know that this is exactly where we are supposed to meet. Then you realize that all the other ones before we met were for testing our patience. Everyone else was there to teach me how to value you even more. It doesn’t matter who I was with before or who you were with before because now I know it’s you. I learned to love you more because of who was in my past and you learned to love me more because of yours. All those heartaches and unfortunate times have made me stronger and helped me appreciate even more the person you are with me. And when we are with each other, we will understand that we were well worth the wait.
With Love,
This is definately inspiring me to write a romance novel.
cool love letter. hopefully you find love one day. i liked the praying part and asking God. i do find it strange you mentioned God in your blogs but never go to church.
lagrimss de mis ojos corren, y de mi corazon,al leer esto, como me gustaria que mi esposa escribiera algo asi,y que se refiriera a mi,por mas que intento asercarme a ella pues ella mas se aleja de mi,triste ver cuando un hombre o mujer se aprobecha de los sentimientos de uno.
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