Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My First 5K!!

As some of you may know, I started training for a 5K walk a couple of months ago. I had always heard about these type of challenges from friends and co-workers [Hi Lauri :o)] but was never really interested in them because I knew I could never physically do one. That is until I made a change earlier this year.

Throughout my entire life I’ve battled with my weight. I’m not going to get too into it because 1) Not ready to go there. And 2) That’s not what this blog is about. However, my weight is what has been holding me back from being active. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always dreamed about being active but never was. I used to always say to myself (and still do): I wish I could be a runner, I wish I could be a surfer, I wish I could be a cyclist, I wish I could….., etc.

So earlier this year when I went to go sit at the beach, close to where I work, I sat there and pondered about all the people I saw jogging, walking, cycling, and surfing. I wondered about how long they’ve done it and if I could actually picture myself doing what they’re doing. I saw the steady stance of the jogger, the easy pace of the walker, the fast speed of the cyclist, and the surfer riding that sweet wave. I thought to myself: “How long would it take for me to be fit enough to do all that?” I knew that I couldn’t jog, I couldn’t be a cyclist, and I for sure didn’t know how to surf. But the one thing I can do is walk. After all, that’s how two of my sisters got in shape………… walking.

The day was Wednesday January 26, 2011 when I started out on my first walk that was going to lead to me getting fit. Now, I’ve started many walks before but have never been consistent as I am now. Usually when I start walking, I only last up to two weeks and then I quit. But this time, I didn’t want to quit. This time, I wanted to keep going. This time, I wanted to become that walker, that jogger, that cyclist, that surfer, and all other sports I can get into. And I haven’t stopped since!!

I remember that first walk. I had set out a routine at Tamarack Beach right across from where I work in Carlsbad so it could be convenient for me. I wasn’t sure how far I was going to go, but I set my clock to sound off in 10 minutes so that the moment I walked 10 minutes away from my car where I had parked, I could return back and complete 20 minutes of walking time total. I was coming from no exercise in months so I knew I had to start slow. It was incredibly painful. My lower back was killing me within five minutes of starting, my thigh muscles were burning from the sudden movement, and I was panting like a tired dog. The trail has a slight incline on the walk back to my car and I would often stop in the middle of it to catch my breath. I didn’t think going any further was possible. At that moment I pretty much kissed jogging, cycling, surfing, and all the other sports goodbye. I didn’t measure it but I’m pretty sure it was only ¼ of a mile. I couldn’t believe how out of shape I was. But I didn’t give up. The next day I went again for another 10 minutes away from my car. I had made it a priority no matter what and ended up doing it 5 to 6 times a week. As it got easier, I would add a minute to my time. By the third week I was walking 14 minutes away from my car.

I was really beginning to wonder what distances I was walking so I downloaded an application on my iphone that measures distance, time, calories, etc. The first time I used it was on February 8, 2011 where it measured I had walked 0.8 miles. As of yesterday, I can walk 2 miles. The application is allowing me to see my progress from start to finish and shows other statistics that I can compare to the very beginning.

When I first heard about a 5K being held on the third week of May in San Diego, I didn’t really think too much of it. I was only in my 7th week of walking and I didn’t think I could do it. But then I realized that this would be a perfect opportunity for me to have a goal. The only goal I’ve had was to just walk and I already was doing that. So I signed up!!!!

Since I had been doing all this walking, I decided to give my neighborhood another try a couple of weeks ago. When I first moved in, I really liked the area because there is a long walking trail along the way with two stop signs, a traffic light, another stop sign and one more traffic light that equals to about 1.2 miles one way. My first goal was to make it to the first stop sign, but because of the incline of the hill, I didn’t even reach it. I said “forget it” and didn’t go again until a couple of weeks ago. I had been doing all of my walking at the beach where the incline is there but not as steep as the ones in my neighborhood. Those hills makes my walks feel more like hiking. So, feeling like I could reach the first stop sign, I grabbed my walking shoes and headed out for it. Not only did I pass the first stop sign, I passed the second stop sign, and reached the first traffic light!!!! You cannot imagine the unbelievable feeling that came over me!!!! All those images of other activity sports came back at me like I can and will do it one day!!

I couldn’t believe the improvement I’ve made. And now that I’ve had this momentum going, it’s hard to even stop. I’ve realized that I’m in that state of mind now where I’ll think “Tomorrow I won’t have time to workout after work, so I better get up an hour early to do it.” And I love that about me right now!! I love that because it makes me realize that no matter how busy I get with work and returning back to school in the fall to study for my credential, I know I’m going to make my health my priority from now on!! Despite going through things in life that can stop you or end your motivation, like what I wrote about in this blog: Ever Tried Falling Asleep With a Broken Heart?, I found the strength in me to not give this up. It is too damn good.

And Although I’ve only reached two miles in one walk, for me it’s a lot. Coming from being completely inactive to walking 5 to 6 times a week is definitely an accomplishment. Two miles may be nothing for a healthy fit person, but it helped me lose 20 pounds and it’s the beginning to a more fit and active me. With the 5K coming up I’ve definitely kicked up my walks with adding a little running to them but I know my body won’t let me do that just yet so I have to take running slow. And after I complete this first 5K, I hope to complete many many many more!! I even dream of doing the NY marathon one day. I don't care how long or how slow it takes for me to get there. I'll get there. One day, I’ll be the runner I’ve always wanted to be. One day, I’ll be the active person I’ve always dreamed of being. And one day, I’ll be able to say that I do yoga, pilates, boxing, surfing, canoeing, kayaking, cycling, running, hiking, etc. Just add a little at a time. Thanks for reading :o)

Jessenia :o)


Your #1 Fan aka Welly said...

Awwww I wish I was as determined and dedicated as you. Your so inspirational and you are going to influence lots of people to follow their dreams and to never give up. You've definitely inspired me! Love yooo!!!

Jonithegreat said...

Very Cool Jessenia! Inspiring. I also read the one about the dumb guy who couldn't smarten up and treat you like deserve to be. Its HIS loss girl. YOU will be fine. I am proud of you for not letting that derail you. If heartache won't nothing will. You WILL achieve all the things you are dreaming of. I can practically HEAR the resolve in your writing. God Bless ya!